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Elements Of Auriculotherapy

By René Bourdiol
Editor Eric Serejski 2014
Paperback: $161.50 with shipping




Elements Of Auriculotherapy


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Read the forward below


Understanding Auriculotherapy first requires a definition. Simply stated, it is a therapy using the stimulation of specific areas accessible on the surface of the ear. Those stimulations are affected by use of, for example, needles, pressure, electricity, laser and light.


Historically Auriculotherapy emerged as an organized and coherent model in the mid-twentieth century though the works of Dr. Paul Nogier (Lyon, France). His work quickly led to much research, developments, academic associations and clinical groups. Among those was the fundamental meeting in September 1966 between Dr. Paul Nogier and Dr. René Bourdiol, meeting that led to their collaboration and brought Dr. Bourdiol to produce works on the topic that would become crucial to the field.


Half a century after the birth of Auriculotherapy, one can look at its evolution and growth worldwide. It has followed a complex and interesting path. Yet, the underlying mechanisms explaining its modalities of action remain broadly unexplained. In parallel, the material produced by the first generation of French Auriculotherapists continues to be largely inaccessible in English.


However, the evolution of Auriculotherapy in the beginning of the twenty-first century is marked by an unprecedented interest. The work of Dr. Richard Niemtzow known as Battlefield Acupuncture led to the emergence of new auricular treatments fostering potent and promising results. The potency of these results quickly brought about government grants and contracts that have no counterparts in the history of acupuncture or auriculotherapy.


Now, while lecturing in the US and abroad and while assisting in the implementation of various symposiums on auricular therapy, a fundamental theme has surfaced. In facing this emerging interest, the need for adequate education and access to the best academic material has become paramount.


Through my discussion with Dr. R. Nogier and the analysis of the material of Dr. R. Bourdiol, I realized the uniqueness of the approach of Dr. R. Bourdiol. It provides rigorous, logical and analytical methods. It further relies on the outstanding language and illustrations of Anatomic academicians. In short it is a unique juxtaposition of knowledge and method that can only be a source of learning and inspiration to generations of students.


This is how I naturally decided to render the work of Dr. René Bourdiol accessible again.


John Howard



None of this would have been possible without the assistance of Raphael Nogier, Diana Bittner, Eric Serejski, Stephanie Lashmit, Sara Howard and Richard Niemtzow.



About the author

Bourdiol rettangolare

René-Jacques BOURDIOL

Knight of the Legion of Honor

August 1928 – September 2003



  • Medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine PARIS (November) 1948
  • Graduated in May 1962
  • Two years, only from 1952 to 1954, for pulmonary tuberculosis sanatorium treated Plateau d’Assy, then in Font Romeu, resulting in the termination of academic suspension: Military RD2).
  • Professional life focused on neurological research; which earned him the title of Life Member of the Academy of Sciences in New York.TWO TIMES
  • 1 – first sport:
  • Made in 1948 met George Soulie de Morant, introducer of Acupuncture in the world, who teaches and does integrate very early acupuncturaux and homeopathic Parisian circles.
  • Is active in the Sports Medicine Association of which he became Vice President and is responsible for the Fencing section. Offered for the award of Sporting Merit. It was during the inauguration of the new radiology department discovered what his tuberculosis which stop medical school for two years.
  • 2 – then university:
  • From 1954 to 1961, and then Monitor Wizard Neuroanatomy – (Professor André Delmas).
  • From 1954 to 1961, then Assistant Chief, Laboratory of Clinical Pediatric Psychiatry Biotypology in La Salpetriere (Professors Georges Heuyer then Leon Michaux).
  • Winner of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris.
  • Silver Medal Thesis.
  • Forced to abandon university hospital career to meet the material needs of his family repatriated including a grandfather and a paternal grandmother paralyzed, blind maternal grandmother, an elderly aunt and two parents. These will become the secretary and assistant medical office at 75006 6 Rue Antoine Bourdelle (1962-1980) and 1 Rue Brémontier 75017 (1980-2001).
  • Then undertakes studies and personal research in neurological reflexology which leads him to discover, experiment and teaching since 1970
  • ACUPUNCTURE: co-author of the Treaty of Acupuncture edited by JEH Niboyet; Co-chairman of 1st World Congress of Acupuncture in Paris in May 1969; Member of French Societies, Chinese, Japanese ert South Korean
  • Auriculotherapy, together with Paul Nogier. This teaching was lavished both Europe and the USA and earned both authors securities Professorship
  • METHOD “MYOTENSIVE” handling and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, become formal education in certain medical Italian
  • THE NEURO-PODOLOGIE or recovery viciations somatic by wearing insoles “neurological”, taught and disclosed throughout Europe
  • NEW TECHNIQUES HOMOEOPATHIC affecting remedies “temperamental” and “constitutional” basal
  • And lately the PROSPHÉRENTOLOGIE, reflex technique based on the emission wavelength of organic forms.
  • President since 1977, the study of Manual Medicine and Reflex, the Gemmer Group consisting of the “core” of the students with whom he made his research and various checks
  • from 1974 to 1980, Professor and Vice President of Medical Education Lyonnais (LOK) Group -. Directions numerous seminars in France, Europe and North America (USA and Canada) Thousands of students
  • from 1974 to 2001, Professor at the Istituto Italiano di Torino Acupuncture (Professor Roccia)
  • from 1980 to 1990, Professor of International Teaching Centre Medical (ICES) myotensives his medical techniques, physiotherapy and podiatry (25 events per year with 32 monitors). Several thousand students
  • from 1977 to 1987, Professor of the Belgian Society On Alternative Medicine (sbam)
  • from 1982 to 1994, Professor of Education Mediterranean Society Podiatry Reflex (Sempre) (Perpignan and Montpellier)
  • Since 1991, Professor of Education Center Therapeutic Reflexes (CENTER), and the Society of Prosphérentologie. Still there are thousands of medical and paramedical graduates of State
  • Since 1998 Professor of the Italian Society Gemmer
  • Neuroanatomical structures of the reaction behavior: the Prosphérencéphale . Doctorate in medicine, the Silver Medal of the Faculty, Paris, 1961.
  • Editions du Rocher
  • The sails of the Beyond , 1992.
  • The power of the Spirit , 1996.
  • How to read your blood test, 2nd revised and expanded edition, 2002 .
  • Maisonneuve editor
  • Treaty of acupuncture , 3 volumes, edited by JEH Niboyet with PG Regard (out of print), 1970.
  • Manual medicine and shoulder girdle , 2 volumes, 1972.
  • Treaty irido- diagnosis , in collaboration with Mark Pere, 1975 Translated into German.
  • Loci atrioventricular medicinae , 2 wall charts, under the direction of Paul Nogier, 1977.
  • The podo-somatic dysmorphic , 1 wall chart, 1979.
  • Foot and static , with the collaboration of F. Capelus, H. Nguyen Tan and P. Hatoum 1980.
  • Elements of auriculotherapy , 1980 Translated into English and Japanese.
  • The AV somatology , 1981.
  • Somatic reflexology , 1983.
  • The aesthetics reflected , in collaboration with F. Mereau-Bourdiol and Anne Bourdiol, 1984.
  • Homeopathy and reflexology: a neuro-embryological approach , 1985 Translated into Italian.
  • Somatotopia autozeugopodale inferior , 2 wall charts, 1985.
  • Orthopaedic Réflexo-Kinesiology , 1986.
  • Neurotherapy cephalic reflex 1987.
  • Ionic-négatico Therapy , 1988 Translated into English.
  • DWIS editions
  • Neurotherapy the upper cervical spine: Atlas and Axis , 1992.
  • Gemmer Italia editions
  • Headaches and Migraines with Giuseppe Bortolin and Françoise Mereau-Bourdiol (in Italian) in 2000.


 Dr. Raphael Nogier’s newest book





Radial Artery Food Test by Raphael Nogier

Paperback: $71.50 with shipping




The RAFT Radial Artery Food Test


Buy now





Read the back cover below

This book covers food in a new light and emphasizes the importance of personal sensitivity to the food: each individual is unique, and what is good for one is not necessarily for the other.


A large number of people (15 to 20% of the population) suffers from hypersensitivity to one or more foods. This can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, headache, sleep disturbances, depression or joint pain. We do not always think to connect these symptoms to diet. Indeed, alongside the traditional food allergies whose symptoms occur shortly after ingestion of food, there are delayed allergies that occur several hours or days after food intake. The removal of foods responsible for these ignored allergies then gives amazing therapeutic results with the disappearance of symptoms that may have existed for several years.


The author describes the mechanism of these allergies and offers a simple test that only requires taking the radial pulse to assess the sensitivity of each to a food. It also presents the results of his numerous clinical observations carried out over several years, with specific examples, including gluten intolerance and dairy allergies.


Dr. Raphaël Nogier is the Chairman of the Groupe Lyonnais d’Études Médicales which brings together hundreds of doctors involved in medical research and clinical work. He is the author of several medical books, including books on diet, and is an active representative of this innovative French medicine that considers every patient as unique.

Written by Dr. Raphael Nogier MD

Translated from French to English by Eric Serejski

Contact John Howard at

