BFA is an auricular acupuncture Algorithm/protocol (auriculotherapy) that employs French Auricular Semi-Permanent (ASP®) needles in very specific points / zones on the ear that follows a prescribed sequence.
Invented by Richard Niemtzow, M.D., an Air Force physician, in 2001. BFA uses up to 5 gold ASP® needles in each ear in a back-and-forth sequence. It requires the Patient to walk for 30 seconds between needles or move the body for one to two minutes between needles if walking is not an option.
Some of the conditions BFA are used for including but not limited too
PAIN! For both acute and chronic pain conditions
Ambulatory Care/Emergency Room Treatment
Acute Sprains/Strains
Back, Neck, Ankle, Arm, Leg Pains
Migraine Headaches
Pre-OP* treatment and/or Post OP pain
Battlefield pain or when narcotics are not available, tolerated, or desired